General surgical patients require intravenous nutrition either because their gastrointestinal tract is blocked, too short or inflamed or because it cannot cope. Such patients can be grouped into four nutritional/metabolic categories: normal and unstressed; normal and stressed; depleted and unstressed; depleted and stressed. The energy requirements of patients in each of these groups vary according to their energy expenditure. Normally nourished and stressed patients have the highest energy expenditure and therefore require the highest energy input (45-55 Other groups of patients rarely require more than 40 Energy can be given mainly as dextrose although calories needed above 40 kcal kg-1day-1 should be given as fat (unless lipogenesis is desirable). In very stressed patients high rates of glucose infusion can themselves constitute a metabolic stress and fat may play a bigger role as a calorie source. For long term feeding, 1 litre of 10 per cent fat emulsion should be given weekly to avoid essential fatty acid deficiency. The level of nitrogen intake required to maintain a positive nitrogen balance is a lot higher in surgical patients than the suggested recommended dietary allowances for normal subjects. It is dependent not only on the nutritional and clinical state of the patient but also on the levels of energy and nitrogen intake given. When energy intake is below energy needs, normally nourished patients cannot retain nitrogen, although depleted patients can. When energy intake exceeds energy needs, both normally nourished and depleted patients retain nitrogen at levels of nitrogen intake ranging from 250 mg kg-1day-1 (depleted and unstressed) to over 400 mg kg-1day-1 (stressed). Depleted patients can maintain a positive nitrogen balance at lower levels of calorie and nitrogen intake than normally nourished patients and in this respect are analogous to a growing child. In all surgical patients, energy and nitrogen intakes can be manipulated to provide for a controlled maintenance or restoration of either wet lean tissue and/or fat. There is little place for protein sparing therapy or the use of insulin and anabolic steroids to promote nitrogen retention in surgical patients requiring intravenous feeding.