A model for the proton stopping cross section in solids is suggested, which treats stopping in collisions with electrons of different electronic structure subsystems as independent processes. A number of effects due to the influence of the electronic structure on energy losses of protons moving randomly are described. Good agreement between theoretical results and experimental data is obtained. A "fine structure" for the maximum of the stopping cross section energy dependence is predicted. The reasons for the difference in stopping cross sections between protons moving randomly in diamond and graphite are discussed. rIpeAJIOXeHa MOnWIb CeqeHHR TOpMOmeHEIfI IIPOTOHOB B TBepAOM Tene, B KOTOPOfi np0-UeCCbI TOpMOXeHEIH HOHOB Ha 3JIeKTpOHaX pa3JIEIqHbIX IIOACHCTeM 3JleKTPOHHOfi CTPYK-TypM TBepAOrO TeJIa PaCCMaTpHBaIOTCR He3aBRCEIMO. OllHCaH PIIA 3@@HTOB , 06J'CnOB-neHmIx BnmmeM ~J I~K T P O H H O # c~p y~~y p b~ mepnoro Tena Ha a~e p r e~~r e c~~l e noTepu IIPOTOHOB, ABE~XYIQHXCII B HeopHemHposaHHoM HanpasneHm. HonyseHo xopomee COrJIaCEIe C 3KCIIePHMeHTOM. npeACKa3aHO HaJIEIqHe ,,TOHKOfi CTPY€CTyPbI" MaHCMMyMa 3HepreTElWCKOfi BBBEICHMOCTU Ce9eHMR TOpMOXeHHJT. 0 6 c y r n~a 1 0~c~ IIpHqHHbI OTJIMrIEIII Ce'leHElfi TOPMOXeHEIII IIPOTOHOB, HsHWynIHXCR B HeOpEIeHTEIpOBaHHOM HallpaBneHHH B a n~a a e EI rpa@me.