“…These spas have experienced multidisciplinary rehabilitation teams (e.g., spa physicians, physical therapists, physiotherapists, and rehabilitation nurses) to provide and adjust the rehabilitation program to the individual patient’s needs. Although spa therapy has yet no evidence specific to COVID-19, it and its interventions (e.g., balneotherapy, peloid therapy, aquatic exercises, and exercise) have been demonstrated beneficial in improving fatigue, dyspnea, pain, and depression/ anxiety, and in increasing quality of life of patients who have these symptoms, in many reviews and numerous clinical studies (Kamioka et al 2020 ; Khaltaev et al 2020 ; Munteanu et al 2019 ; Baldi et al 2015 ; Fioravanti et al 2010 , 2018 ; Rapolienė et al 2020 ; Király et al 2020 ; Gay et al 2020 ; Bernetti et al 2020 ; Varzaityte et al 2020 ; Dilekçi et al 2019 , 2020 ; Eröksüz et al 2020 ; Yuan et al 2019 ; Cozzi et al 2020 ; Gálvez et al 2020 ; Corvillo et al 2020 ; Pérez-Fernández et al 2019 ; Peultier-Celli et al 2019 ; Hanzel et al 2019 ; Yücesoy et al 2019 ; Özkuk and Di̇lekçi̇ 2019 ; Masiero et al 2020c ; Tenti et al 2020 ; Koçak et al 2020 ; Özkuk and Uysal 2019 ; Cantista and Maraver 2020 ; Cheleschi et al 2020 ; Özkuk and Ateş 2020 ; Min et al 2020 ; Prossegger et al 2019 ; Persiyanova-Dubrova et al 2019 ). Interestingly, hypothetical and theoretical backgrounds of using spas as rehabilitation facilities for post-COVID-19 patients have been discussed in several articles (Maccarone et al 2020 ; Masiero et al 2020a , b; Antonelli and Donelli 2020 ; Kardeş 2020b ).…”