The Cariri Airglow Observatory has been in operation since November, 1997. This observatory has a multi-filter photometer to measure the airglow emission intensities in the frequencies of OI557.7 nm, OI630.0 nm, NaD, OH(6,2) band, O 2 Atmospheric (0-1) band , and the OH and O 2 rotational temperatures. The observatory is located at São João do Cariri, State of Paraíba, one of the driest region in Northeast Brazil, situated at 7.4 0 S, 36.5 0 W. Day to day continuous observations (13 days around the new moon period) allow us to study nocturnal, day to day and seasonal variation of the airglow emission intensities. The nocturnal variations of the mesospheric emissions and OH(6,2) rotational temperature have shown strong seasonal dependence with maxima in equinox and minima in solstice. The OI557.7 nm presented the largest relative amplitude (0.42) whereas the rotational temperature presented the smallest relative amplitude (~0.03) and annual averages equal to 231 K. The annual averages of the intensities in OI557.7 nm, O 2 (0,1) and OH(6,2) were 124 R, 321 R and 1323 R, respectively. Variation of airglow intensities of 2 and 3 days were observed in OI5577 and O 2 (0,1).Key words: Airglow; Photometer; Rotational temperature.