The treatment of a-and [I-D-xylopyranosyl chloride 2,3,4-tri(chlorosulfate) and the corresponding a-D-lyxo derivative with a catalytic quantity of sodium iodide in methanol solution resulted in the removal of the chlorosulfate groups and rapid methanolysis of the anomeric chlorine atoms. The methanolysis proceeded with predominant inversion in each case (80-90%), independent of the orientation of the C-2 substituent. I n the presence of sodium methyl mercaptide, however, thioglycosides having an inverted configuration were produced from 1,2-cis chlorides, and thioglycosides having an unchanged anomeric configuration were formed from 1,2-trans chlorides. It is proposed that all these glycosidations occur via a free pentopyranosyl chloride intermediate, and that under the basic conditions of thioglycosidation a 1,2-anhydro intermediate is formed from 1,2-trans chlorides.Le traitement des chloro-l trichlorosulfate-2,3,4 a-et [I-D-xylopyranose et a-D-lyxopyranose par des quantitks catalytiques d'iodure de sodium en solution dans le mkthanol conduit a une solvolyse rapide des groupes chlorosulfates et des atomes de chlore attachks aux carbones anomeriques. Dans chaque cas, la mkthanolyse se produit principalement (80-90%) avec inversion et ceci quelle que soit I'orientation du substituant en position 2. Toutefois, lorsque ces rkactions sont effectukes en prksence du sel de sodium du methanethiol, la stkrkochimie de la reaction depend de l'orientation prksente dans les composks de dkpart; la rkaction des chlorures ayant la configuration cis-1,2 procirde avec inversion alors que celle des dkrivks trans-1,2 se produit avec rktention. On croit que toutes ces rkactions conduisant a des glucosides se produisent par I'intermkdiaire d'un chloro-l pentopyranose; pour ce qui est des thioglucosides formks en milieu alcalin a partir de chlorures trans-1,2; ils proviendraient d'un derivt anhydro-1,2 intermkdiaire. In earlier experiments it has been demonstrated 2,3,4-tri(chlorosu1fate) (1) gave good yields of that chlorosulfate groups can be removed from a mixture of methyl a-and P-D-xylopyranosides. chlorosulfated glycoside derivatives by treat-The methyl a-D-anomer (3) was shown to conment with sodium iodide in aqueous methanol (1). This reaction is very rapid and regenerates the hydroxyl groups with retention of configuration. When glycosyl chlorides containing chlorosulfate groups were treated with sodium iodide in aqueous acetone the reaction involved in addition, hydrolysis of the anomeric chlorine atom, to give the free glycose (2, 3). I t was of interest to study this reaction on chlorosulfated glycosyl chlorides using methanol as the solvent, to ascertain whether methyl glycosidation would occur under these conditions. As in some previously described dechlorosulfations (1, 4), barium carbonate was added in these reactions stitute approximately 90 % of the mixture (g.1.c. analysis), and was isolated and characterized as its triacetate. Thus the methyl glycosidation of 1 occurs predominantly with inversion of configuration...