The exploratory behavior of rats has been available as a parameter to know the mode of action of centrally acting agents. Steinberg et al. (1) and Rushton et al. (2,3) have found that the combined administration of amphetamine and barbiturate produces a marked increase in exploratory activities of naive rats placed into a symmetrical Y-shaped box, though the administration of either agent alone produces little or no increase. Marriott and Spencer (4) have studied the effects of major and minor tranquilizers and antidepres sants on the exploratory behavior of rats placed in the same Y-shaped box.It is well-known that a novel environment evokes exploratory activities such as wander ing about, rearing and sniffing in rats, and these activities are modified by psychological factors such as curiosity, anxiety and fear (5). Therefore, it is likely that the drug effects on the exploratory activities are influenced by degree of familiarity with the environment. The present experiment is an attempt to know the effects of several psychotropic agents on the exploratory behavior in the inexperienced rats which had never been placed in the Y-shaped box before, and in the experienced rats which have been placed in the box three or four times.
METHODSTwo hundred and ninety-five female rats of Wistar strain, weighing from 150 to 180 g, (about 3 months of age) were used. In the preliminary experiments, Wistar strain and Sprague-Dawley strain rats of either sex were also employed. Three animals in one cage were maintained on a commercial diet (CLEA CA-l) and water ad libitum at the room temperature of 22-±-1 °C. The animals were familiarized with the operator by handling them for 5 minutes every day during 5 days before the experiments. The apparatus was a symmetrical Y-shaped box with start box and guillotine door, as shown in Fig. 1. Stem and each arm of the box were 38 cm long, 18 cm wide and had walls 33 cm high, respectively. The box had a wire-netting floor but no roof. The walls and floors of the start box, stem and center part of the Y box were painted gray, and these of the right and left arms painted white and black, respectively. The Y