Because size is a major controlling factor for indoor airborne particle behavior, human particle exposure assessments will benefit from improved knowledge of size-specific particle emissions. We report a method of inferring size-specific mass emission factors for indoor sources that makes use of an indoor aerosol dynamics model, measured particle concentration time series data, and an optimization routine. This approach provides-in addition to estimates of the emissions size distribution and integrated emission factorsestimates of deposition rate, an enhanced understanding of particle dynamics, and information about model performance. We applied the method to size-specific environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) particle concentrations measured every minute with an 8-channel optical particle counter (PMS-LASAIR; 0.1−2+ µm diameters) and every 10 or 30 min with a 34-channel differential mobility particle sizer (TSI-DMPS; 0.01−1+ µm diameters) after a single cigarette or cigar was machine-smoked inside a low air-exchange-
S. Department of Energy (DOE) underContract DE-AC03-76SF0098. Additional support was provided by the TRDRP under grant 6RT-0118 to Stanford University. We would like to express our appreciation for the technical assistance of D. Sullivan. S. Baker assisted with filter preparation and experimental procedure. The graphics and much of the data analysis for this research were accomplished using the freely-available R system described by Ihaka and Gentleman (1996) and accessible on the World Wide Web at correspondence to Neil E. Klepeis, 16475 Tarpey Road, Watsonville, CA 95076-9015. E-mail: rate 20 m 3 chamber. The aerosol dynamics model provided good fits to observed concentrations when using optimized values of mass emission rate and deposition rate for each particle size range as input. Small discrepancies observed in the first 1-2 h after smoking are likely due to the effect of particle evaporation, a process neglected by the model. Size-specific ETS particle emission factors were fit with log-normal distributions, yielding an average mass median diameter of 0.2 µm and an average geometric standard deviation of 2.3 with no systematic differences between cigars and cigarettes. The equivalent total particle emission rate, obtained by integrating each size distribution, was 0.2-0.7 mg/min for cigars and 0.7-0.9 mg/min for cigarettes.