Describe the temporal pattern of otitis media with effusion (OME) resolution for a cohort of non-syndromic cleft palate children enrolled before palatoplasty and followed through 5 years of age.
Prospective, longitudinal study of the time course for OME resolution in infants and children with palatal clefts.
Cleft Palate Craniofacial Center of a tertiary care pediatric hospital.
Fifty-two children with cleft palate, 29 Male, 45 White, Veau 1–4 who had a Furlow-type palatoplasty between 10 and 24 months of age done by 1 of 6 surgeons.
Standard cleft palate management supplemented by study visits to the research clinic pre- and post-palatoplasty and then yearly to age 6 years for assessments of middle ear status by interval history, otoscopy and tympanometry.
Main Outcome Measure
Age at otitis media resolution defined as the age in years at the first in a sequence of “disease-free” diagnoses not interrupted or followed by any other diagnosis.
For ears/subjects, the cumulative percent OME resolution for ears/children at ages <1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 years was 4.1/4.4, 14.3/10.9, 31.6/21.7, 45.9/37.0, 56.1/50.0 and 70.4/60.9%. OME-resolution followed a simple linear time-curve with slopes of 13.5% (CI=12.2–14.8%, r2=0.99) and 11.9% (CI=10.1–13.6%, r2=0.99) resolutions per year for ears and children, respectively.
There is a natural, age-related pattern of resolution for the persistent OME that affects most infants and young children with cleft palate that is not affected by palatoplasty.