BACKGROUND: Nitrogen (N) is an important element for turfgrass (Zoysia matrella) growth; however, standard N application rate for turfgrass is not established yet. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of N application rates on the growth and quality of turfgrass for establishment of standard N application rate. METHODS AND RESULTS: Treatments were as follows; control (0 N g/m 2 /month), 1N (1 N g/m 2 /month), 2N (2 N g/m 2 /month), 3N (3 N g/m 2 /month), 4N (4 N g/m 2 / month), and 5N (5 N g/m 2 /month). N application improved visual turfgrass quality. Compared with the control, clipping yield of all N treatments increased by 90~ 194%. The grass shoot weight of 3N, 4N, and 5N treatments increased by 52%, 43%, and 111%, respectively, and the stolon weight of 4N and 5N treatments increased by 412% and 201%, respectively, compared to the control. The N uptake amount and N recovery rate were estimated to be 4.10~6.28 g/m 2 and 14~58%, respectively.
CONCLUSION(S):These results indicate that considering visual quality, clipping yield, N uptake amount, and N recovery, the application rate of 2~3 N g/m 2 /month was suggested to be suitable for Z. matrella production.