are the isotropic, chiral nematic, orthogonal smectic (paraelectric), incommensurate tilted smectic with modulation of three to nine smectic layers, ferroelectric, antiferroelectric with unit of four smectic layers, ferrielectric with unit of three smectic layers, antiferroelectric with unit of two smectic layers and hexatic phases, respectively. In these phases, the molecules within each layer are oriented with their long axis along a common direction [a] M. B. Pandey Physics Department Abstract: Antiferroelectric liquid crystals (AFLCs) are a recent class of materials in the family of liquid crystals which have high prospect of application in displays with better results as compared to conventional nematic displays. Beside technological applications, AFLCs are very interesting from the point of view of basic studies in soft condensed matter systems as these materials are showing vari-ous new sub-phases, viz. SmC a * , SmC b *, SmC g * and many others with distinct macroscopic properties in a narrow temperature region in addition to the most common wide-range low-temperature SmC a * phase. In the present article, we report the structure of various sub-phases of AFLCs, their dielectric behaviour and the electro-optical response of some of the materials studied by our group.