“…HCl, 1 : 2) [Found: M ϩ (amine), 271.1012. C 16 H 14 FNO 2 requires 271.1009]; m/z 271 (45%, M ϩ ), 240 (90), 238 (25), 222 (20), 212 (100), 211 (80), 183 (30), 165 (15), 117 (15) and 90 (15); ν max (Nujol)/cm Ϫ1 3000 and 2500 (NH Cl requires 303.0320); m/z 305 (1.5%, M ϩ ), 303 (5%, M ϩ ), 286 (5), 274 (2), 258 (20), 242 (17), 240 (10), 230 (23), 213 (11), 199 (7), 195 (8), 176 (35), 165 (40) 35 ClNO 4 requires 317.0455); m/z 319 (0.3%, M ϩ ), 317 (1.0%, M ϩ ), 290 (0.5), 288 (2), 286 (2), 274 (5), 272 (15), 260 (8), 258 (25), 232 (5), 230 (15), 176 (28), 165 (25), 141 (33) 35 ClNO 2 requires 287.0713]; m/z 289 (15%, M ϩ ), 287 (45%, M ϩ ), 258 (30), 256 (100), 230 (25), 229 (30), 228 (80), 227 (65), 193 (50), 165 (40) and 117 (18); ν max (Nujol)/cm Ϫ1 2900 and 2600 (NH (15), 208 (10), 196 (32), 176 (20), 152 (16), 119 (68) Methyl phenanthrene-9-carboxylate, 21. Methyl (E)-3-(2diazoniophenyl)-2-phenylpropenoate (50 mg) was dissolved in 50 cm 3 of an aqueous solution of Cu(NO 3 ) 2 (0.1 mol dm Ϫ3 ).…”