In this study, the behaviors of Al matrix metallic foams, produced by the powder-metallurgy method, against the hole-drilling operation were examined. The stirred Al, 7 % Si and 1 % TiH2 powders were pressed in a mould under uniaxial pressure (600 MPa) and then deformed, and in this way foamable block samples were obtained. The block samples were subjected to a foaming process at 710°C. The obtained samples were drilled at different cutting speeds (10, 30, 50, 70) mm/min and feed rates (0.15, 0.225, 0.30) mm/r with drill tips of different diameters (4, 5 and 6) mm. It was observed that the foam affected the chip breakings and chip adhesions increased in proportion to the cutting speed. In the deviation from circularity, the feed rate turned out to be a more effective parameter than the cutting speed. Keywords: foams, cutting, machining, tooling V {tudiji je bilo preiskovano obna{anje kovinskih pen na osnovi Al, izdelanih po metodi metalurgije prahov, pri vrtanju luknje. Me{anica Al, 7 % Si in 1 % TiH2 prahov je bila stisnjena v orodju z enoosnim tlakom (600 MPa) in potem deformirana, da so bili dobljeni vzorci sposobni za penjenje. Vzorci so bili izpostavljeni procesu penjenja pri temperaturi 710°C. Dobljeni vzorci so bili vrtani pri razli~nih hitrostih rezanja (10, 30, 50, 70) mm/min in hitrostih podajanja (0,15, 0,225, 0,30) mm/r, s svedri z razli~nimi premeri (4, 5, 6) mm. Ugotovljeno je, da pena vpliva na lomljenje ostru`kov, oprijemanje ostru`kov pa se pove~uje proporcionalno s hitrostjo rezanja. Pokazalo se je, da na odstopanja od kroga bolj vpliva hitrost podajanja kot pa hitrost rezanja.