The aim of this study was to determine the influence of film type and modified atmosphere on the sensory quality of roasted apple cv. Reineta. Roasted apples were packaged using two different films, LORE 90 COOK and CN 300, under two different modified atmosphere conditions, Extendapak 1 ® (100% N 2 ) and Extendapak 47 ® (7.0% CO 2 2.5% O 2 90.5% N 2 ). The Packaged apples were stored for 210 days at 3°C. Sensory analyses were performed every 14 days until the end of the storage period. Each sample was made up of 178 fruit for each type of packaging and for each storage time. No significant differences were found between the newly elaborated and the stored roasted apples according to the difference test until the 84 th day of storage. No significant differences were found in the visual attributes of the apples, except for colour, neither between types of packaging nor between storage times. Significant differences were found in olfactory-gustatory attributes, odour intensity, sweet taste and alcoholic taste between type of packaging whereas significant differences were found between storage times for all olfactory-gustatory attributes. Juiciness was the only textural attribute that was significantly different between type of packaging and between storage times. When the film was less permeable of the film, the better the original properties of roasted apple cv. Reineta were kept better. There were significant differences between modified atmospheres, so Extendapak 1 ® was more appropriate than Extendapak 47 ® to keep the original characteristics of roasted apple cv. Reineta for a longer time. Additional key words: modified atmosphere packaging; sensory acceptability; sensory analysis; shelf life; sous vide.
ResumenInfluencia del tipo de envase y del tipo de atmósfera modificada en la calidad sensorial de la manzana Reineta asada El propósito del estudio fue el de analizar la influencia del tipo de material de envasado y el tipo de atmósfera utilizada para almacenar manzana cv. Reineta asada del Bierzo. Para ello se utilizaron dos tipos de materiales de envasado LORE 90 COOK y CN 300 y dos atmósferas de envasado diferentes denominadas Extendapak 1 ® (100% N 2 ) y Extendapak 47 ® (7.0% CO 2 2.5% O 2 90.5% N 2 ). Se almacenaron durante un periodo de 210 días a 3°C. Se realizaron aná-lisis sensoriales cada 14 días. Cada muestra estaba formada por 178 frutas por cada tipo de envasado y para cada tiempo de almacenamiento. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en la prueba triangular entre manzanas recién elaboradas y manzanas almacenadas hasta los 84 días. En los atributos visuales valorados en el análisis descriptivo solo se encontraron diferencias significativas para el color tanto entre los tipos de envasado como a lo largo de la conservación. Para los atributos olfativos-gustativos se encontraron diferencias entre tipos de envasado para la intensidad de olor, sabor dulce y sabor alcohólico y para todos los atributos durante el tiempo de envasado. De los atributos de textura solamente presentó difere...