Summary. Most of the published literature on the iron chelating agent desferrioxamine (DFA) relates to urinary excretion of iron following its administration. In the present study, six patients suffering from various iron storage diseases were maintained on a fixed dietary intake of iron and a basal value for faecal iron excretion was obtained. In all cases the faecal iron content rose significantly after treatment with desferrioxamine (P <0.05). The increase in faecal iron after DFA was between 30 and 50 per cent (mean 40 per cent) of the total increase in both urinary and faecal iron excretion. This finding has a relevance to the correct interpretation of tests using DFA for the assessment of body iron stores.
The serum ferritin levels of another group of patients suffering from various iron storage diseases, but also including one patient with iron deficiency, were measured before and after DFA administration. In all cases the serum ferritin levels increased significantly (I) <0.001) 2 hours after administration of DFA.
Quantitative studies on the ferritin protein and ferritin iron content of liver, spleen, kidney and intestinal mucosa in rats showed that DFA causes significant reductions in both these substances in liver and spleen. It was calculated that over 70 per cent of the iron removed by DFA emanated from liver and that the amount of ferritin protein released from rat liver after DFA was sufficient to bind all the iron removed. Thus the major source of the iron excreted after DFA therapy is probably liver ferritin iron.