The phase diagram of a binary polymer blend can be derived from the glass temperatures Tg of the demixed phases under the following conditions:1. The Tg's of the pure components are sufficiently different from one another. 2. The Tg's of the one-phase homogeneous mixtures can be determined and vary monotonically with composition.3. The equilibrium state of the mixture is attained after sufficient long annealing at temperature T.4. The equilibrium state at the temperature T can be frozen by quenching. These conditions are examined for mixtures of polystyrene (PS) and tetra methyl-bisphenol A-polycarbonate (TMPC). The phase separation kinetics is investigated with respect to size and composition of the co-existing phases. The co-existance curves (binodal with lower critical point) are determined for mixtures with various molar masses of the PS component. The problems concerning the cloud point curves are shortly discussed.Between Ts and the binodal the one-phase mixtures exist in a hindered thermodynamic state, because the crystallization of the TMPC component is a very slow process which requires very long annealing. With increasing amounts of PS in the mixture the crystallization half time of TMPC is lowered.