In agreement with the observations of other investigators (e.g. Funch, Krogh & Dam, 1960), Moore & Kon (1963) and Moore & Williams (1964) found that rabbits given for 9 or 10 months a diet containing 20% butterfat but no added cholesterol developed extensive aortic atherosis, whereas rabbits given for a similar period a diet containing 20% maize oil did not. The levels of plasma cholesterol of the rabbits given the 20% butterfat diet were four to five times higher than those of the rabbits given the 20 % maize-oil diet. Thus, although the results with the animals given these two high-fat diets certainly appeared to lend support to the view that atheromatous degeneration is associated with high levels of cholesterol in the blood, the findings with groups of rabbits given various other diets indicated that the relationship between the level of cholesterol in the blood and atheromatous degeneration of the aorta, if indeed such a relationship exists, was by no means a simple one. For instance, it was discovered (Moore & Williams, 1964) that rabbits given a high-starch diet containing no added cholesterol and virtually no saturated fat developed aortic atherosis as severe as that in animals given the 20% butterfat diet, yet the plasma cholesterol levels of the rabbits given the high-starch diet were only moderately elevated. Moreover, rabbits given a diet containing 10% butterfat and 10% maize oil developed only slight aortic atherosis in spite of the fact that their level of plasma cholesterol was almost identical with that of rabbits given the high-starch diet. In general, therefore, it was evident that there was no direct relationship between the degree of hypercholesterolaemia and the extent of aortic atherosis in the experimental rabbit. On the other hand, it was conceivable that the incidence of atheromatous degeneration was related to the presence of abnormally high or low concentrations of certain other lipid components of the plasma. To investigate this possibility, the final blood samples taken from each of the experimental rabbits (Moore & Williams, 1964) were analysed for the major lipid groups and an attempt was made to correlate the analytical results with the severity of the aortic lesions. The findings of this investigation are now reported.