Children can represent number in at least two ways: by using their
non-verbal, intuitive Approximate Number System (ANS), and by using words and
symbols to count and represent numbers exactly. Further, by the time they are
five years old, children can map between the ANS and number words, as evidenced
by their ability to verbally estimate numbers of items without counting. How
does the quality of the mapping between approximate and exact numbers relate to
children’s math abilities? The role of the ANS-number word mapping in
math competence remains controversial for at least two reasons. First, previous
work has not examined the relation between verbal estimation and distinct
subtypes of math abilities. Second, previous work has not addressed how distinct
components of verbal estimation – mapping accuracy and variability
– might each relate to math performance. Here, we address these gaps by
measuring individual differences in ANS precision, verbal number estimation, and
formal and informal math abilities in 5- to 7-year-old children. We found that
verbal estimation variability, but not estimation accuracy, predicted formal
math abilities even when controlling for age, expressive vocabulary, and ANS
precision, and that it mediated the link between ANS precision and overall math
ability. These findings suggest that variability in the ANS-number word mapping
may be especially important for formal math abilities.