The control of the formation of non-metallic inclusions and the characterization represents the basis for the improvement of steel product properties and leads to sustainable development in the design of new steel grades. In order to produce steels with better machinability, such as AISI 303 grades, a modification of inclusions with a carefully designed chemical composition is presented. The aim of the research was to examine the possibility of increasing the effect of machinability of AISI 303 stainless-steel micro-alloying by tellurium and zirconium. In this work we present detailed SEM/EDS analyses of the modified non-metallic inclusions -manganese sulphides. In AISI 303 steel alloyed with Te and Zr the inclusions consisted of complex particles with more spherical shapes effectively acting as shaving breakers. For this reason the AISI 303 modified grades have better machinability compared to the standard AISI 303 grade and with mechanical properties within the limits prescribed for AISI 303 standard grade. Keywords: stainless steel, machinability, inclusions, manganese sulphides, tellurium, zirconium Kontrola tvorbe nekovinskih vklju~kov in njihova karakterizacija predstavljata osnovo za izbolj{anje lastnosti jeklenih proizvodov in vodita k trajnostnemu razvoju novih vrst jekel. Predstavljena je modifikacija vklju~kov s skrbno na~rtovano kemijsko sestavo z namenom izdelave jekel z bolj{o obdelovalnostjo, kot je AISI 303. Namen raziskave je bil raziskati mo`nost izbolj{anja obdelovalnosti nerjavnega jekla AISI 303, mikrolegiranega s telurjem in cirkonijem. V delu so predstavljene podrobne SEM/EDS analize modificiranih nekovinskih vklju~kov -manganovih sulfidov. V jeklu AISI 303, legiranem s Te in Zr, delujejo vklju~ki, sestavljeni iz kompleksnih delcev sferi~ne oblike, kot u~inkoviti lomilci ostru`kov. To je razlog, da ima modificirano jeklo AISI 303 bolj{o obdelovalnost v primerjavi s standardnim jeklom AISI 303 in mehanske lastnosti v mejah, ki so predpisane za standardno jeklo AISI 303.