Field Crops Res., 10 : 37--48.Information is needed on the effects of soybean row spacing as a management practice for improving water use efficiency. Our objective was to show the effect of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. 'Evans') row spacing and irrigation on evapotranspiration (ET), leaf water potential (~j~), and foliage temperatures (TF) in western Minnesota.Soybeans were planted in 0.15-and 0.46-m rows with a grain drill, and 0.76-m rows with a row crop planter at an average final population of 571 000 plants per ha on a Sioux sandy loam (Family sandy skeletal mixed, subgroup Udorthentic Haploboroll). Sprinkler irrigation was applied in 25-ram amounts to the irrigated plots when the average matric potential at the 0.3-m depth was-30 kPa.On selected days in the growing season, measurements of ET using a portable chamber, u)sing the pressure chamber, TF using an infrared thermometer, and dry (TA) and wet bulb temperatures using an aspirated psychrometer were made simultaneously on a given treatment. Hourly weather data were collected 2.2 km from the experimental site to characterize the daily climate and evaporative demand. Leaf area index and light interception by the canopy were determined in 7-to 10-day intervals.Early in the season ET on the non-irrigated plots was slightly higher for the 0.15-m row spacing than the 0.46-and 0.76-m row spacing and was related to light interception. Differences in midday ~, due to row spacing were not discernible due to scatter in the data, and only with severe water stress were the ~J~ differences due to irrigation noteworthy. The row spacings effects on the TF-TA differences agreed with the ET trends on the non-irrigated plots. Only the yield differences due to irrigation were significant. For the irrigated treatments, the yields were 3.35, 3.09, 3.07 t/ha for the 0.15-, 0.46-, and 0.76-m row spacings, respectively, while the corresponding yields for the non-irrigated treatments were 2.07, 1.97, 2.24 t/ha.Trade names and company names are included for the benefit of the reader and do not infer any endorsement or preferential treatment of the product listed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the University of Minnesota.0378-4290/85/$03.30