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Documents in EconStor may be saved and copied for your personal and scholarly purposes.You are not to copy documents for public or commercial purposes, to exhibit the documents publicly, to make them publicly available on the internet, or to distribute or otherwise use the documents in public. licence. We study the impact on criminal activity from a large scale Swedish reform of vocational upper secondary education, extending programs from two to three years and adding more general theoretical content. The reform directly concerns age groups where criminal activity is high and students who are highly overrepresented among criminal offenders. The nature of the reform and the rich administrative data allow us to shed light on several behavioral mechanisms. Our results show that the prolonged and more general education lead to a reduction in property crime, but no significant decrease in violent crime. The effect is mainly concentrated to the third year after enrollment, which suggests that being in school reduces the opportunities and/or inclinations to commit crime. was implemented gradually over time in different municipalities. According to Hall (2012), the reform increased average educational attainment, but also led to a substantial increase in dropout rates among low-performing students.
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D I S C U S S I O N P A P E R S E R I E S Education and CriminalWe complement and add to the existing literature in several ways. Most importantly, the nature of the reform and the richness of the data allow us to provide one of the first pieces of evidence on the causal effect on criminal activity of making secondary education more general. As related policies are being discussed and implemented throughout the developed world, our findings are likely to be relevant outside the specific setting that we analyze. Moreover, we can study both long-and short-run effects on criminal behavior, as well as separate between crimes committed on school operating days and when the school is in recess. Also, we study asymmetric effects of the reform across different student characteristics, among them the predicted dropout risk and previous school performance. Taken together, these sources of variation enable us to shed light on the mechanisms through which education can ...