The pulse radiolysi s of gaseous neopentane has bee n inves ti gat ed in th e absence and prese nce of electron scave ngers (SF 6, C D3 I, CC\4)' Deuterium labelin g ex perim e nts s how th at th e s table produ ct molecul es can be acco unted for by (a) radi cal co mbin ation reactions involving mainl y C H3 and H; (b) hydride ion transfer rea ctions involving C2H3+, C2Hs +, and C3Hs+; (c) neutralization reac tions of C. H. + a nd CsHI1 +; and (d) unimolec ular dissociation of the pare nt ion (Cs H ,,+ ) and of electroni call y excited neope ntane. Neutralization of th e t-C.H. + ion, whi ch-is the maj or positive ion in the syste m occ urs as follows : (a) t-C .H. + + e -> i -C.H. + H and (b) t-C.H9+ + e -> 2CH" + G,H6• It is shown th at CsHI1 + produ ced in hydride ion transfer reaction CIIH,.,++ neo-CSH.2 -> CIIH,.,+,+CsH I1 + (where C IIHII,+ =C 2H3 +, C2Hs+ , and C3Hs+) rearranges to the CH3C +(C H,,)C H2CH3 stru ctu re prior to neutralization. A detailed acco untin g of all products produced in the unimolecular and bim olecular reactions led to the conclus ion that th e ratio of ne utral electroni cally excited molecules to pare nt ions (Nex/N+) is 0.28.