Sam ples of four types of low-drop out volt age reg u la tors, with both se rial pnp and npn transis tors, were ex am ined in room-tem per a ture iso ther mal gamma ra di a tion an neal ing. Af ter un in ter rupted ex po sure to a to tal ion is ing dose of 500 Gy, bi ased and loaded volt age reg u lators were ex am ined in room-tem per a ture an neal ing within the first 30 min utes af ter the expo sure. Be side the on-line mea sure ment of out put volt age and qui es cent cur rent dur ing the thirty-min ute pe riod im me di ately af ter ir ra di a tion, also re sults were pro cured af ter 10-year room-tem per a ture spon ta ne ous re cov ery. Data ob tained dur ing the ir ra di a tion and rapid anneal ing were fit ted with lin ear, ex po nen tial, and power-law re gres sion func tions. A sim ple pro ce dure was pro posed, based on the qui es cent cur rent an neal ing fac tor, for the quick es tima tion of the in te grated volt age reg u la tor's ra di a tion sen si tiv ity dur ing the post-ir ra di a tion iso ther mal an neal ing. In or der to es ti mate the cir cuit's ra di a tion sen si tiv ity, im me di ately af ter ir ra di a tion, tested de vices have to be left in the same op er at ing con di tions as dur ing the ex posure. If a clear trend of the qui es cent cur rent re cov ery can be ob served, fur ther ex am i na tions have to be im ple mented to es ti mate if a cir cuit is ac cept ably ra di a tion-tol er ant. If no re cov ery trend can be ob served within the first hour af ter ir ra di a tion, or even fur ther deg ra da tion is no ticed, then the ex am ined volt age reg u la tor is a ra di a tion-sen si tive de vice and can not be used in ra di a tion en vi ron ments. The de scribed pro ce dure is based on the mac ro scopic ef fects of the ra di a tion-in duced charge-trap ping in field ox ides and in ter faces. Key words: volt age reg u la tor, gamma ra di a tion, qui es cent cur rent, an neal ing fac tor, iso ther mal an neal ing, post-ir ra di a tion ef fect, re gres sion anal y sis V. Dj. Vuki}.: Rapid and Long-Term Gamma-Ra di a tion An neal ing in ...