Demand for sweet corn occurs drastically, especially in big cities. One of the limiting factors for the growth of sweet corn plants is the size of the plant population and the nutrient status of the soil. Based on this, it is necessary to increase the yield of sweet corn, among others, by setting the right spacing and applying organic granular fertilizer at the right dose as a source of nutrients. The study was conducted in Mandai, Maros, and South Sulawesi using a randomized block design in factorial. Plant spacing is the first factor (J1=70x20 cm; J2=70x30 cm; J3=70x40 cm). The level of application of granular organic fertilizer is the second factor (G1= 1 t ha-1; G2=2 t ha−1; G3=3 t ha−1). The use of plant spacing and the application of granular organic fertilizers had no significant effect on plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, cob diameter, or number of rows per cob, but had a significant effect. on the parameters of cob length, cob weight without husk, the weight of 100 grains, number of seeds per row, and yield potential of sweet corn. In general, the best growth and yield of sweet corn was obtained at a spacing of 70 x 20 cm with the application of granular organic fertilizer (GOF) 3 t ha-1, namely 12.81 t ha−1.