We measure the complex rheological behavior of nearly critical gels and analyze the data by searching for characteristic patterns and abstracting those patterns into a self-consistent model. The sample is a linear, flexible, nearly monodisperse polybutadiene which gets cross-linked on its vinyl side groups. The dynamic mechanical storage and loss moduli of cross-linking polymers change smoothly during the liquid-solid transition, while equilibrium rheological properties (e.g., zero-shear viscosity and equilibrium compliance) diverge. During gelation, the relaxation occurs in a distinct pattern which can be described in a quantitative way with a minimum number of parameters. The pattern can be understood as a combination of the BSW spectrum (representing the precursor relaxation behavior) and the selfsimilar Chambon-Winter gel spectrum (modeling the terminal relaxation due to growing clusters). The spectrum is cut off at the material's longest relaxation time, λmax. Our model parameters, λmax and Ge (equilibrium modulus), exhibit characteristic scaling behavior with respect to the distance from the gel point, |p -pc|. The relaxation exponent, n, in the terminal zone is a function of the extent of reaction. Hence, dynamic scaling (requires constant n values) is not valid for our system. The proposed model passes the self-consistency test by predicting the mechanical behavior (at different frequencies) as a function of the extent of reaction and other rheological observations during the sol-gel transition.