Spin state switching on external stimuli is a phenomenon with wide applicability, ranging from molecular electronics to gas activation in nanoporous frameworks. Here, we model the spin crossover as a function of the hydrostatic pressure in octahedrally coordinated transition metal centers by applying a field of effective nuclear forces that compress the molecule towards its centroid. For spin crossover in first-row transition metals coordinated by hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbon monoxide, we find the pressure required for spin transition to be a function of the ligand position in the spectrochemical sequence. While pressures on the order of 1 GPa are required to flip spins in homogeneously ligated octahedral sites, we demonstrate a fivefold decrease in spin transition pressure for the archetypal strong field ligand carbon monoxide in octahedrally coordinated Fe 2 + in [Fe(II)(NH 3 ) 5 CO] 2 + .Pressure-induced spin-flips of transition metal sites involve changes in Coulomb energy, closed shell repulsions, covalent bonding energy and crystal field energy. [1,2] Using the computational Extreme-Pressure PCM (XP-PCM) protocol, [3][4][5] it has been shown that high pressures cause drastic electronic rearrangements, causing first row transition metals with electronic configurations d n (4 � n � 8) to favor low spin configurations at high pressures. [6] In a metal-organic framework (MOF) with exposed Fe(II) sites, a distinct step as a function of atmospheric pressure has been observed in the adsorption isotherm of carbon monoxide, for which a cooperative spin-transition mechanism involving interacting iron centers in the MOF on introduction of the strong-field ligand carbon monoxide has been proposed. [7] In general, the use of MOFs in the separation of industrially relevant gases like hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon monoxide holds a lot of promise, due to the large surface areas, the thermal stability and the adjustability of various parameters of the MOFs. [8] The smallest building block of spin crossover systems is often an octahedrally coordinated transition metal center with its 3d orbitals split by the ligand field environment. Spin-flip at high pressures can be attributed to the increase in splitting of the 3d levels at the metal site such that the potential energy required to maintain a high spin configuration surpasses the spin pairing energy. [9] Using effective nuclear forces scaled by their distances from the molecular centroid we here model spin crossover in octahedral metal-ligand complexes as a function of hydrostatic pressure. We find the pressure required for spin transition to be a function of ligand position in the spectrochemical sequence [10] and demonstrate that the spin transition pressure can be tuned by an adequate choice of the ligand field. Finer quantum chemical effects at play in the process involve a change in the covalent binding energy, Pauli repulsion, and charge transfer as a function of pressure, as demonstrated with an Energy Decomposition Analysis (EDA) [11] scheme.Any external force on...