'Grasslands Huia', 'GrasslandsPitau', 'GrasslandsKopu', Aranandresidentwhiteclovers and 'GmsslandsPawem' red cloverweresownwith perennial ryegrass and examined for production (over 3 years) and nitrogen (N) fixation (over 2 years) under dairy cow grazing. Total sward production was similarfor all treatments, although grass-only plotswere 11and20%loweryieldingin Years 1 and 2 respectively. Pawem produced the mostcloverin Year I, but the leastin Years2 and3. In Years 1 and 2, the best-producing white clover cultivars wereAran,Kopu,andPitau,butby Year3, Aranwas20%higheryielding than all othercultivars. Inallyears, Kopushowedsuperior winterproduction, whereasAran washighest-producing during autumn. The resident clover was slow establishing from buried seed but by 6 months its production was similar to that for Huia. Measurements of plant composition showedthattherewasanincreaseinthe numberofresidentcloverplantsfromburiedseedin all plotsover time.N fixation by Aran,Kopu,Pitau, and residentcloversaveraged108and 280 kg N/ha per yearin Years 1and 2 respectively. Corresponding valuesforHuiawere82and 224kgN/haper year respectively. In Year 2, Aran produced 15% more dry matter(OM) thantheresidentcloverwhichwas offset by a lower total N concentration (by 14%) resulting in similaramounts offixedatmospheric N. The proportion of cloverN fixed (estimated by lSN isotopedilution) wassimilarforall cultivars,except in summer and autumn whenit tendedto behighest A89088