The aim of this study was to verify the efficacy of reusing intravaginal progesterone (P4) devices on the reproductive parameters in Santa Inês ewes. Females received intravaginal P4 devices for their first, second or third use for five days plus 300 IU eCG IM and 5mg dinoprost laterovulvar 24h before device removal. Blood was collected at different moments. Transrectal ultrasonography was performed from device removal to ovulation. Part of the ewes were submitted to artificial insemination by laparoscopy (IAL -n=55) with fresh semen, whereas the rest were bred by fertile rams (n=41). On the initial 18 h, ewes that received devices for the first time showed higher P4 concentrations (5.1±1.8 vs 3.5±1.4 vs 2.4±1.1 -P<0.05). However, after the first 48h no difference was observed among all treatments and P4 supraluteal concentrations were detected in all ewes upon device removal. Estrous response, interval from device removal to estrus, rate of ovulating animals, number of ovulations, time from device removal to ovulation and average conception rates after IAL or natural mating were similar among all 3 groups. Intravaginal progesterone devices can be used up to three times without altering reproductive parameters in Santa Inês ewes.Keywords: sheep, artificial insemination, CIDR, intravaginal progesterone insert, ovulation Palavras-chave: ovino, inseminação artificial, CIDR, dispositivo intravaginal de progesterona, ovulação
Avaliou-se a eficácia da reutilização de dispositivos intravaginais de progesterona (P4) sobre características reprodutivas em ovelhas Santa Inês. As fêmeas receberam dispositivos intravaginais contendo P4 para o seu primeiro, segundo ou terceiro uso por cinco dias, associado a 300 UI eCG IM e 5mg dinoprost laterovulvar 24h antes da remoção dos dispositivos. Ultrassonografia transretal foi realizada da remoção dos dispositivos até a ovulação. Parte das ovelhas foi submetida à inseminação artificial laparoscópica (IAL-n=55) com sêmen a fresco, enquanto outra parte foi acasalada por machos férteis (n=41). Nas 18 h iniciais, as ovelhas que receberam dispositivos pela primeira vez