Tax is one of the largest state revenues so that the governmenttries to maximize tax revenue but it is different from companies that wantto minimize taxes. In minimizing the tax, the company implements taxavoidance. The company avoids tax due to the lack of internal supervisionof the company, therefore the need for a system that directs and regulatesthe relationships of interested company side in making policies within thecompany. The system is good corporate governance. The purpose of thisstudy was to determine the effect of good corporate governance on tax avoidance.Good corporate governance in this study is proxied by executive compensation,institutional ownership, managerial ownership, independent boardof commissioners, audit committee, and audit quality. Tax avoidance ismeasured using the Cash Effective Tax Rate (CETR). The research samplewas 47 mining sector companies listed on the IDX in 2014–2019, and obtained213 research data. The results in this study say that executive compensationhas a negative effect on tax avoidance, institutional ownershipand managerial ownership have a positive effect on tax avoidance and theindependent board of commissioners, audit committee, audit quality has noeffect on tax avoidance.