The aim of this work is to provide experimental results to understand the grain-size effects on tensile hardening of fcc polycrystalline materials. The contribution of grain size on hardening rate is discussed in terms of backstress (X) and effective-stress (⌺ ef ) evolutions in the different hardening stages. Based on this stress partition, the origin of the classical Hall-Petch relationship is clarified at the different levels of microstructural heterogeneities. If the backstresses and effective stresses verified the Hall-Petch formulation, however, the effective stress is less dependent on grain size than the backstress. The grain-size effect on short-range internal stresses (effective stress) is well explained in terms of a mean path length using classical dislocation modeling. The backstress dependence on grain size seems to be mainly the result of intergranular plastic-strain incompatibilities in relation with the formation of a grain-boundary layer in stage I. In others stages (higher plastic strain), the interactions between intergranular and intragranular long-range internal stresses have been illustrated. The degree of these interactions remains unclear.