“…The cis aziridine 3, bp 47-48°(0.3 mm), was obtained in 41% yield: ir spectrum C=0 at 1680 cm-1 (neat); NMR i-Pr as two doublets, 6 H, at 0.94 and 1.06, split by the methine H, J = 6 Hz, and due to the chirality of the adjacent ring carbon;1819 ring CH3 d, 1.30, integrated together with t-Bu, s, 1. 22,12 H; isopropyl CH m, 2.0-2.2, 1 H, ring hydrogens m, 2.2-2.7, 2 H; mass spec-trum P m/e 183 (6%), 98 (86%) (Pt-BuCO), 70 (89%), 57 (100%) (í-Bu). Anal.…”