| INTRODUC TI ONNeuropathies associated with metabolic diseases typically present with a slowly progressive, distal symmetric sensorimotor polyneuropathy (DSPN) with paresthesia, impaired vibration sense, reduction in deep tendon reflexes, muscle wasting, and weakness which characteristically progress over the course of months, but can occasionally take a faster course, triggering marked disability. 1 Patients may also develop autonomic features, with postural hypotension, impaired sweating, diarrhea, constipation or impotence. 2 Mononeuropathies in the form of compressive neuropathy can occur in the median nerve at the wrist, in the ulnar nerve at the elbow, or in the peroneal nerve at the fibular head. 3Regarding peripheral neuropathy due to renal failure (uremic neuropathy), approximately 60%-90% of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), especialy stage 5 on hemodialysis: glomerular filtration rate <12 mL/min) develop DSPN. 4 Abstract Aim: To estimate the frequency and pattern of peripheral polyneuropathy (PNP) that may affect patients maintained on hemodialysis.
Patients and methods:The study was carried out on 60 middle-aged male patients attending the Internal Medicine Department for maintenance hemodialysis. All were subjected to a complete neurological examination. Motor and sensory nerve conduction studies of both lower limbs (the tibial, peroneal and sural nerves) and both upper limbs (median and ulnar nerves), as well as F-wave measurements of both tibial and median nerves, were done. The patients were subdivided clinically into two groups, clinically apparent neuropathy and inapparent groups. Then they were divided according to the types of peripheral neuropathy detected by electrophysiological studies into axonal, demyelinated and mixed polyneuropathy. In addition, they were divided into motor, sensory and sensorimotor groups.
Results:Polyneuropathy was found clinically presented in 33 (55%) cases, while evident by electrophysiological examination in 100% of the clinically apparent group (33 patients) and evident in 92.5% of the clinically inapparent group (27 patients). The frequency of pathologic electrophysiological parameters was significantly higher in patients with longer duration of hemodialysis. Axonal polyneuropathy is the most prevalent type in those patients.
Conclusion:Peripheral polyneuropathy is a common presentation in patients maintained on hemodialysis. The longer the duration of hemodialysis, the more liability to develop PNP that can be detected earlier by electrodiagnostic studies in the subclinical cases. K E Y W O R D S electrodiagnosis, hemodialysis, peripheral neuropathy | 827 EZZELDIN Et aL. How to cite this article: Ezzeldin N, Abdel Galil SM, Said D, Kamal NM, Amer M. Polyneuropathy associated with chronic hemodialysis: Clinical and electrophysiological study. Int J