(A) In the author's own experiment, there was a clear trend of T30x animals developing more slowly (i.e. up to 6 h within 3 days) than W30x animals. This is in line with the previous experiments. Due to small numbers of animals, the differences in the frequency of larvae reaching the 4-legged stage and the stage with reduced tail were not statistically significant (p > 0.05). The effect size was large (d > 0.08). (B) In the analysis of all available data with regard to the 4-legged stage, pooled T30x values from the initial team were 10.1% smaller than W30x values (100%) and pooled T30x values from the 5 independent researchers were 12.4% smaller (p < 0.01 and d > 0.08). Analogously, the number of animals entering the juvenile stage with reduced tail was smaller for T30x than for W30x.