Nurses are the backbone of healthcare organizations, and they play a crucial role in delivering quality care and ensuring patient safety, and that, in turn, can be achieved through the two hourly purposive nursing rounds (2HNR). The 2 HNR is a structured rounding conducted by the bedside nurses on a one to two hourly bases. It has been associated with increased patient satisfaction and nursing care quality, improved nurse-patient interaction, reduced incidence of fall and call bell frequency, and early identification of patients' needs [1]. The current cross-sectional study aims to evaluate the impact of 2 HNR on nurses' satisfaction at the Royal Hospital, Oman. A total of 513 nurses from general units were surveyed using an online survey questionnaire. The current study revealed that majority of nurses were satisfied with 2HNR. A well and organized 2HNR would contribute positively to the healthcare organization's nurses satisfaction, care quality, and patient safety standards. Direct observation of the participants can be incorporated into the data collection process of similar future studies, to gain more valid and accurate findings.