The effect of constituent elements Tb, Dy, and Fe on corrosion of Terfenol-D ͑Tb 0.3 Dy 0.7 Fe 1.92 ͒ was studied by potentiodynamic polarization studies in freely aerated, deaerated, and fully aerated 3.5% NaCl and 0.01 N Na 2 SO 4 solutions. The corrosion products obtained from immersion and cyclic spray tests were characterized by Fourier transform infrared ͑FTIR͒ spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy ͑SEM͒. The polarization behavior of Terfenol-D closely resembled that of pure iron in all environments. Characterization of spalled corrosion products after immersion testing revealed a higher rare earth ͑RE͒ content. An increase in iron content of the adherent corrosion products with increasing duration of exposure pointed out the significant role of iron in the general corrosion processes of Terfenol-D. The polarization and characterization results have been related to the dealloying corrosion mechanism, wherein selective dissolution of REs from the surface results in corrosion from an essentially iron-enriched surface.The corrosion of rare earth ͑RE͒ magnetic materials has been an important subject of study. The extensively studied materials in this category are materials based on Nd-Fe-B and Sm-Co alloys. A relatively new RE magnetic material is based on the Tb-Dy-Fe alloy. Detailed studies on several aspects of corrosion of commercial-grade Tb 0.3 Dy 0.7 Fe 1.92 ͑commercially called Terfenol-D͒ have recently been concluded. 1-5 Corrosion of these ͑Tb,Dy͒Fe 2 -based magnetostrictive materials is of scientific, commercial, and strategic concerns, as this material is the nextgeneration material for active sonar applications. Apart from this, Terfenol-D finds varied applications, such as in tools for well cleaning in the petroleum, oil, and gas industries, in fuel injection, and in medical appliances.The known aspects of corrosion of Terfenol-D are reviewed briefly. Terfenol-D is particularly corrosion prone in the presence of chloride ions. 3,4 Moreover, corrosion rates are higher in the absence of oxygen and with increased duration of hydrogen charging. 2 Hydrogen embrittlement accompanies the corrosion process of Terfenol-D, 2 which undermines the structural integrity of the material.The objective of the present communication is to understand the effect of constituent elements ͑Tb, Dy, and Fe͒ on the corrosion behavior of Terfenol-D. Understanding the corrosion mechanism of an alloy may be very complex when the components of the alloy differ widely in their corrosion behavior. Therefore, it may be convenient to understand the corrosion mechanisms of individual alloy components and then relate them to the alloy system under study. Characterization of corrosion products formed in different environments has been used extensively for understanding the corrosion mechanisms. The most common metallic corrosion products in atmospheric and corrosive environments include oxides ͑hydrated͒ and ͑oxy-͒ hydroxides.This study also characterizes the corrosion product on Terfenol-D and its constituents under similar t...