PURPOSE Evaluating patient-centered care for complex patients requires morbidity measurement appropriate for use with a variety of clinical outcomes. We compared the contributions of self-reported morbidity and morbidity measured using administrative diagnosis data for both patient-reported outcomes and utilization outcomes.METHODS Using a cohort of 961 persons aged 65 years or older with 3 or more medical conditions, we explored 9 health outcomes as a function of 4 independent variables representing different types of morbidity measures: International Classifi cation of Diseases,, a self-reported weighted count of conditions, and self-reported symptoms of depression and of anxiety. Outcomes varied from self-reported health status to utilization. Depending on the outcome measure, we used multivariate linear, negative binomial, or logistic regression, adjusting for demographic characteristics and length of enrollment to assess associations between dependent and all 4 independent variables. RESULTS Higher morbidity measured by ICD-9 diagnoses was independently associated with less favorable levels of 7 of the 9 clinical outcomes. Higher selfreported disease burden was signifi cantly associated with less favorable levels of 8 of the outcomes, controlling for the 3 other morbidity measures. Morbidity measured by diagnosis code was more strongly associated with higher utilization, whereas self-reported disease burden and emotional symptoms were more strongly associated with patient-reported outcomes.CONCLUSIONS A comprehensive assessment of morbidity requires both subjective and objective measurement of disease burden as well as an assessment of emotional symptoms. Such multidimensional morbidity measurement is particularly relevant for research or quality assessments involving the delivery of patient-centered care to complex patient populations. 2012;10:126-133. doi:10.1370/afm.1364.
Ann Fam Med
INTRODUCTIONH istorically, assessment of health care quality has been quantifi ed using disease-specifi c measures, such as targeted laboratory values or preventable hospitalizations.1-4 A more stringent and patientcentered standard, however, is to assess quality with the person, rather than the disease, as the unit of analysis. 1,[5][6][7] Doing so requires the use of patientcentered measures that express the net infl uence of all health conditions and their treatments on outcomes that are meaningful to patients. One example of such a measure is patient-reported outcomes that cross disease-specifi c boundaries (such as general health status or physical functioning).8 Assessing quality based on outcomes that matter to patients requires additional attention to measurement processes using these outcomes.
M OR BIDI T Y ME A SUR ES F OR PAT IEN T-C EN T ER ED OU TCO MESand quality of health outcomes for persons with multiple interacting medical conditions, as well as for assessing multidimensional care interventions, such as implementations of the patient-centered medical home. 13,14 The armamentarium of instruments...