The function of the single-sludge activated-sludge system has expanded from chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal to include, progressively, nitrification, denitrification, and phosphorus removal, all biological. With such complexity, design procedures based on fundamental behavioral patterns are required. The fundamental principles of a steady-state model for biological excess phosphorus removal (BEPR) that is based on the current understanding of the mechanisms of BEPR are described. The model can be used for design and to predict the expected system response under constant flow and load conditions. With the aid of the model, the influence of various parameters on the magnitude of phosphorus removal and the interactions between BEPR and nitrification and denitrification are examined. Principle variables that influence phosphorus removal are an influent wastewater characteristic-readily biodegradable chemical oxygen demand concentrationand process design parameters-anaerobic mass fraction and its subdivision and sludge age. Also, the model indicates that, in agreement with observations, preventing recycling of nitrate to the anaerobic reactor is one of the main considerations in design. Water Environ. Res., 69, 1222Res., 69, ( 1997.
KEYWORDS:design, activated sludge, nitrogen, phosphorus, biological excess phosphorus removal, models.To comply with more stringent effluent legislation, the functions of the activated-sludge system have expanded to progressively include the biologica] removal of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P). Not only have these expansions increased the complexity of the system configuration and its operation, but concomitantly the number of biologica] processes influencing the effluent quality and the number of compounds involved in these processes have increased. With such complexities designs based on experience or semiempirical methods no longer will provide optimal performance, and design procedures based on more fundamental behavioral patterns are required. To meet this requirement, over the past two decades the research group at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, has developed steady-state design models based on a simplified conceptualization of the behavior of the activated-sludge system. These models have progressively included aerobic COO removal and nitrification (Oold et ai., 1980, andEkama, 1976), anoxic denitrification (Oold et at., ]991; van Haande] et at. , 198 I; and WRC, 1984), and anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic biological excess phosphorus removal (Wentzel et ai., 1990 and.The models enable system design and operational parameters to be readily identified, provide guidance in selecting values for these parameters, and quantify the expected behavior of the system.[n this paper, the steady-state design model of Wentzel et at. (1990) for bio]ogical excess phosphorus removal (BEPR) wi II be used (with the values for model constants given by Wentzel et at.) to evaluate the influence of various system parameters and wastewater characteristics on the system respons...