The study was conducted from November 2016 to July 2017 in Mekelle, Adigrat and Southern zone (Alamata and Maychew), Tigray region, Ethiopia with the objective of assessing chicken feed, feeding management and chicken productivity. A cross sectional study using semi structured questionnaire survey and direct observation on feed (quality, formulation), feeding management (amount of feed given per chicken per day, frequency of daily feeding and type of feed transport used) and chicken productivity performance (eggs/chicken/day) was employed in a total of 31 intensive chicken farms. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, two sided t-test and oneway analysis of variance. Knowledge on raw material selection, feed formulation, quantity of feed given/ chicken/ day, frequency of feeding and cost of feed transportation are the main encountered factors by intensive chicken farmers and all revealed statistically significant effect (P<0.05) on productivity of chicken in terms of egg production. Therefore, for successful chicken production, increase their productivity and assure food security as whole; there is a need to establish chicken feed processing plants, improve feed related constraints and train farmers on feed and feeding management of the chicken.