X study has been made of the hydrogenation of preextracted aspen sapwood meal under conditions whereby the lignin is degraded to identifiable products. By gas liquid chromatography, guaiacol, 4-methylguaiacol, 4-ethylguaiacol, 4-n-propylguaiacol, dihydroconiferyl alcohol, syringol, 4-methyls~ringol, 4-ethylsyringol, 4-n-propylsyringol, and dihydrosinapyl alcohol were separated and identified.The relative abundance of these 10 compounds was determined in the chloroform-soluble product after hydrogenation using a dioxane-water (1:l) solvent medium, Raney nickel catalyst, a n initial hydrogen pressure of 500 p.s.i. and temperatures of 150°, 16j0, 185", 195", 210°, and 220" for a reaction time of 5 hours and a temperature of 195" for times of 0, 1.3, 5.0, and 24 hours. The best yield (52.27, of the Klason lignin) of such phenolic derivatives was obtained a t a reaction temperature of 195" for 5 hours.The significance of the obser~red variation in the yields of these compounds with time and temperature and the relationship of these yields t o the structure of lignin is discussed. Evidence is presented in support of both 7-alkyl ether and p-aryl ether linkages in the lignin substance.In 1938, Harris, D'Ianni, and Adkins (1) reported a successful catalytic hydrogenolysis of an isolated aspen lignin and isolated and identified lignin derivatives of a cyclohexylpropyl nature. Since that time this technique has been applied to the study of various wood and straw meals and isolated lignins, under a variety of conditions involving different catalysts, solvents, times, temperatures, and initial pressures of hydrogen (2, 3). A significant contribution was made in 1948 by Brewer, Cooke, and Hibbert (4), who reported the degradation of maple wood lignin under much milder conditions of hydrogenation than those used by earlier workers and obtained phenylpropyl lignin derivatives, thus providing direct evidence for the aromatic nature of the lignin substance. Subsequently, other workers (5-9) have extended these studies to other lignified materials and various isolated lignins and have thereby added to the variety of aromatic compounds that have been isolated and identified. Of particular interest is the recent work of Coscia, Schubert, and Nord (10) and of Olcay ( l l ) , who obtained aromatic lignin derivatives by the hydrogenation of the milled wood lignins from birch, oak, pine, and spruce under conditions which, when applied earlier to other isolated lignins, had given rise to cyclohexyl derivatives. These workers introduced the use of gas-liquid chromatography for the separation and quantitative estimation of the lignin derivatives.Earlier, in these laboratories, a study had been made of the conditions affecting the isolation, as a chloroform-soluble fraction, of the lignin derivatives resulting from the catalytic hydrogenation of aspen wood meal (8). I t was thus found that a t temperatures of 170"-180" for a reaction period of 3 hours, using a dioxane-water (1: 1) medium, Raney nickel catalyst, and an initial hydr...