The writing of this study aims to describe the improvement of students' science process skills, and the implementation of student worksheets. This research is a Pre-Experimental Design study using the One Group Pretest Posttest Design experiment. The target of this research was students of class IX A and IX B at UPT SMP Negeri 14 Gresik. The results showed that the results of the analysis of the pretest and posttest scores for class IX A experienced an increase in science process skills with an N-Gain of 0.89 with high criteria and in class IX B of 0.83 with high criteria. Based on the results of the implementation of ethnoscience-based student worksheets in class IX A it reached 3.7 in the very good category, while class IX B achieved 3.5 in the very good category.Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that the application of ethnoscience-based student worksheets can improve the science process skills of UPT SMP Negeri 14 Gresik students