DOI: 10.1177/8755123312457882
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The Effect of Instruction on Teacher Perceptions of Competence When Including Students With Special Needs in Music Classrooms

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of professional development instruction on teacher perceptions of competence when including students with special needs in music classrooms. Subjects for the study were in-service music educators (N = 43) enrolled in an online graduate-level course specifically created to address the skills and knowledge needed to effectively include students with special needs in classroom activities. The researchers conducted this inquiry using the one-group pretest–posttes… Show more

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Cited by 14 publications
(9 citation statements)
References 10 publications
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“…When examining music teacher education, researchers primarily have investigated preparation to meet diverse learning needs within the context of a specific experience or course. Hammel and Gerrity (2012), for example, found that inservice educators perceived themselves to be more competent in working with students with SEN after completing an online graduate course “created to address specific skills and knowledge deemed necessary to effectively include students with special needs in music classrooms” (p. 7). Researchers also have described field experiences and concluded that such experiences improved the comfort and/or confidence of preservice (Hourigan, 2007, 2009; VanWeelden & Whipple, 2005) and inservice music teachers (Smith & Wilson, 1999) when working with students with SEN. VanDeusen (2019) engaged PMTs for a week of immersion in a predominantly Arab American community and found that the experience led students to change their perceptions and question their previous assumptions about immigrants and Muslim people.…”
Section: Music Teacher Preparation To Support Diverse Learnersmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…When examining music teacher education, researchers primarily have investigated preparation to meet diverse learning needs within the context of a specific experience or course. Hammel and Gerrity (2012), for example, found that inservice educators perceived themselves to be more competent in working with students with SEN after completing an online graduate course “created to address specific skills and knowledge deemed necessary to effectively include students with special needs in music classrooms” (p. 7). Researchers also have described field experiences and concluded that such experiences improved the comfort and/or confidence of preservice (Hourigan, 2007, 2009; VanWeelden & Whipple, 2005) and inservice music teachers (Smith & Wilson, 1999) when working with students with SEN. VanDeusen (2019) engaged PMTs for a week of immersion in a predominantly Arab American community and found that the experience led students to change their perceptions and question their previous assumptions about immigrants and Muslim people.…”
Section: Music Teacher Preparation To Support Diverse Learnersmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…All of the participants in the current study expressed concerns related to communication, and Brian and Elizabeth expressed a desire for collaboration between the music educators and music therapists in the district. Numerous researchers and scholars have called for the need for collaboration in both the general education and music education classrooms (Brownell, Adams, Sindelar, Waldron, & Vanhover, 2006; Colwell, 2002; Darrow, 1999; Eisner, 2002; Gerrity et al, 2013; Hammel, 2001; Hammel & Gerrity, 2012; Jellison, 2015; Jellison, Brown, & Draper, 2015; Joseph, 2011). By acknowledging and defining the disparate goals of the music educator and the music therapist or other support therapist, supervisors and mentors can highlight ways for educators to collaborate with support services.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Authentic context learning experiences with special learners as part of preservice and inservice training are beneficial and may provide the necessary support for early career and preservice teachers (Hammel & Gerrity, 2012; Hourigan, 2009; VanWeelden & Whipple, 2013). Phoebe explained that she was trying to survive her first year of teaching while accommodating the varied learning needs of the students in both the inclusive and self-contained classes.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Ο σκοπός της συνέντευξης αυτού του τύπου είναι η συλλογή όσο το δυνατό περισσότερων πληροφοριών για τις εμπειρίες, τις στάσεις, τα συναισθήματα, τα κίνητρα και τις σκέψεις των ερωτώμενων (Robson, 2007). Επιπλέον, η ποιοτική προσέγγιση του θέματος ενθαρρύνει την αναζήτηση νέων κατευθύνσεων και προοπτικών για το θέμα (Merriam, 2002 (Hahn, 2010) και τονίζουν ότι θέλουν και προσπαθούν να τους βοηθήσουν (Blair, 2009, Hammel & Gerrity, 2012• VanWeelden & Whipple, 2014.…”
Section: εργαλείο συλλογής δεδομένωνunclassified