Peatlands cover only 2.84% of the land surface of the planet, yet they provide the human population with a wide range of services, including more than a third of soil carbon storage, river flow regulation, and biodiversity (Xu et al., 2018). These sensitive systems require high precipitation or impeded drainage to develop and remain stable. Industrialization, mechanization, land-use change (e.g., agriculture or forestry) and extraction of peat for horticultural and energy production have all led to degradation of peatlands.Blanket peat, the dominant UK peat type, is unusual among peatlands in that it occurs on slopes up to 15° (Lindsay et al., 1988). When surface vegetation is damaged, their sloping nature means that erosion can rapidly occur (Evans, Allott, et al., 2005;Evans, Warburton, & Yang, 2006). Rapid and extensive peatland degradation has been going on in the UK uplands for at least a century due to increased atmospheric pollution (e.g., Rothwell et al., 2007), drainage, grazing, and wildfire damage (e.g., Evans &Warburton, 2011). Peatland degradation not only poses a severe threat to an important ecosystem, but in some circumstances may also enhance downstream flood risk (Acreman & Holden, 2013). For peat to develop and persist it must be largely saturated for much of the year, thus even intact blanket peatlands are often able to store little water during rainfall events, relative to other landscapes. Blanket peatlands typically exhibit a flashy response to rainfall, dominated by saturation-excess overland flow and/or near surface throughflow with minimal base-flow contribution (Evans, Burt, et al., 1999). Peatland degradation through, for instance, vegetation