REFAT ABDEL-HAMID. Can. J. Chem. 64, 702 (1986). Electrochemical behaviour of salicylidene-2-aminopyridine has been investigated in 0.1 M tetraethylammonium perchloratedimethylformamide solutions by cyclic voltammetric and convolution potential sweep voltammetric methods. It was found that the depolarizer exhibits two well-defined diffusion-controlled irreversible one-electron waves. The cyclic voltammetric characteristics and the convolution, deconvolution, and logarithmic convolution analyses reveal that salicylidene-2-aminopyridine in such conditions follows a set of two one-electron transfer reactions each followed by an irreversible chemical reaction. The values of the first-order rate constant of the irreversible chemical reaction and E I l 2 were computed.REFAT ABDEL-HAMID. Can. J. Chem. 64, 702 (1986) Faisant appel i des mtthodes de voltamttrie cyclique et de voltamttrie a balayage de potentiel avec convolution et optrant dans des solutions A 0,l M de perchlorate de tttratthylammonium dans le dimtthylformamide, on a ttudit le comportement tlectrochimique de la base de Schiff formte par l'aldthyde salicylique et l'amino-2 pyridine. On a trouvt que le dtpolarisant prtsente deux vagues monotlectroniques, bien dtfinies, irrtversibles et contrBltes par la diffusion. Les caracttristiques de la voltamttrie cyclique, de la convolution, de la dtconvolution et des analyses logarithmiques de la convolution suggkrent que, dans les conditions utilistes, la base de Schiff suit un mtcanisme tlectronique-chimique-tlectronique-chimique. On a calcult les valeurs des constantes de vitesse du premier ordre de la r6action chimique irreversible ainsi que de El12.[Traduit par la revue] Introduction The electrochemical reduction mechanism of numerous aromatic imines or Schiff bases at a mercury electrode has been investigated in aprotic media (1-6). Relatively few studies, on the other hand, have concerned the electrochemical behaviour of heteroaromatic Schiff bases (7). In view of the considerable success achieved by others in clarifying the mechanism of reduction of aromatic hydrocarbons and carbonyl compounds through investigations in aprotic solvents, a study of the electrochemical reduction behaviour of heteroaromatic Schiff bases in N,N-dimethylforrnamide was undertaken.This communication is concerned with electrochemical reduction of salicylidene-2-aminopyridine as investigated by cyclic voltammetry and convolution and deconvolution potential sweep voltammetry. The reduction mechanism at the hanging-mercury-drop-electrode (HMDE) is elucidated and discussed.