Summary: The purpose of these experiments was to de termine the utility of a new method for monitoring CBF using a venous outflow technique with an extracorporeal circulation and to examine the effects of agents that po tentiate or antagonize the actions of adenosine on the blood flow response to brief periods of anoxia. The re sults demonstrate the ability of the new technique to de tect the increases in CBF in response to anoxia. Caffeine, CBF is able to respond rapidly and appropriately to alterations in arterial blood pressure and brain metabolism. The mechanisms responsible for this autoregulation remain controversial, but a consid erable volume of evidence supports the hypothesis that adenosine plays a significant role in the regu lation of cerebral vascular tone. Adenosine is pro duced in the brain during hypoxia, ischemia, hy potension, and seizures (Berne et aI. , 1974; N ord strom et aI. , 1977; Winn et aI. , 1979 Winn et aI. , , 1980 Schrader et aI. , 1980). When applied directly to ce rebral vessels, adenosine causes vasodilatation (Berne et aI. , 1974;Wahl and Kuschinsky, 1976), though the effects of intraarterially perfused aden osine on CBF vary between species (Buyanski and Rapela, 1969; Berne et aI. , 1974; Heistad et aI. , 1981). The frequent failure of intraarterial adeno sine to affect CBF may be a result of its inability to readily cross the blood-brain barrier (Berne et aI. , 1974).In this study, we have used a venous outt1ow technique to measure CBF and its response to brief periods of anoxia. The method for measuring CBF by cannulation of the retroglenoid (postglenoid) vein was initially described by Gjedde et al. (1975) and by Nilsson and colleagues (Nilsson and Siesjo,
586an adenosine antagonist, reduced the intensity and du ration of the anoxia-induced hyperemia. Dipyridamole and papaverine, inhibitors of adenosine uptake, poten tiated the increase in CBF during anoxia. The results support the hypothesis that adenosine plays an important role in regulating CBF during anoxic episodes. Key Words: Anoxia-Caffeine-Cerebral blood flow-Di pyridamole-Papaverine.
1976; Hardebo et aI. , 1979). Winn et al. (1983) sub sequently adapted the technique for continuous re cording of CBF using an extracorporeal circulation with return of cerebral blood through a femoral vein. We have used this latter adaptation of the technique, which has the advantage of allowing for the continuous recording of a major fraction of the CBF over periods of several hours, during which time manipUlations of blood gases can be conducted in the presence or absence of pharmacological agents. The results of our study offer further evi dence that adenosine is an important regulator of CBF in animals challenged by anoxic episodes.
METHODS PreparationCBF measurements were performed on male Sprague Dawley rats (Charles River) (weight 350-400 g). Anes thesia was induced with 2-3% halothane to allow trache otomy, and the animals were then maintained during sur gery on a mixture of nitrogen (70%), oxygen (30%), and methoxyflu...