With the development of Information and Communication Technologies one can observe the phenomenon of e-exclusion of certain social groups. Among them there are the persons in late adulthood who for various reasons do not use computers or the internet. The causes of this can be located in the low financial status of this social group. At the same time, the argument is raised that the more important problem is the lack of motivation and the number of obstacles that seniors face in their access to ICT. The paper presents the conclusions from the research conducted with the Avec Association and the Games and Innovation in Education Research Team - Edutainment (Zespół Badawczy Gier i Innowacji w Edukacji - Edutainment). This encompasses, on the one hand, problems pertaining to seniors’ motivation, the obstacles that they face, their perception of the virtual world, and on the other, the description of the search for new educational methods that may make it possible to increase the effectiveness of computer skills training courses.