“…Our yoga teacher was familiar about problems common to the persons with MS. In this regard, she employed the previous studies to design a Hatha yoga program with the fallowing techniques: breathing techniques, arms overhead stretches (static), eagle pose (garudâsana), side bending triangle posture (trikonasana), forward bending (padahastasana), side lateral bending (ardhakati chakrasana), ankle on knee forward bend, warrior II (on chair) (vîrabhadrâsana II), side angle pose (parshvakonâsana), seated twist(bharadvajâsana I), tree pose (supported by wall) (vrikshâsana), reclining bound angle (suptabaddha-konâsana), supported downward dog (adhomukha shvanâsana), cat pose, pose of a child (balâsana), hand to toe (supta-padângushthâsana), supported back bend, rising sun twist, variation of jathara-parivartanâsana, legs up the wall (viparîta-karanîmudrâ) and followed by relaxation technique in supine posture with closed eyes and relaxation of every part of the body (Kishiyama, 2002, Oken, 2004, Chaya, 2006, Nagarathna, 2004. Each pose was held for approximately 10 to 30 seconds (even 8 seconds for subjects who were unable to maintain some techniques) with rest periods between poses lasting 30 seconds to 1 minute.…”