To examine the hypothesis that surface Pselectin-positive (degranulated) platelets are rapidly cleared from the circulation, we developed novel methods for tracking of platelets and measurement of platelet function in vivo. Washed platelets prepared from nonhuman primates (baboons) were labeled with PKH2 (a lipophilic fluorescent dye), thrombin-activated, washed, and reinfused into the same baboons. Three-color whole blood flow cytometry was used to simultaneously (i) identify platelets with a mAb directed against glycoprotein (GP)IIb-IIIa (integrin xllb183), (ii) distinguish infused platelets by their PKH2 fluorescence, and (iii) analyze platelet function with mAbs. Two hours after infusion of autologous thrombin-activated platelets (Pselectin-positive, PKH2-labeled), 95 + 1% (mean + SEM, n = 5) of the circulating PKH2-labeled platelets had become P-selectin-negative. Compared with platelets not activated with thrombin preinfusion, the recovery of these circulating PKH2-labeled, P-selectin-negative platelets was similar 24 h after infusion and only slightly less 48 h after infusion. The loss of platelet surface P-selectin was fully accounted for by a 67.1 ± 16.7 ng/ml increase in the plasma concentration of soluble P-selectin. The circulating PKIH2-labeled, P-selectinnegative platelets were still able to function in vivo, as determined by their (i) participation in platelet aggregates emerging from a bleeding time wound, (ii) binding to Dacron in an arteriovenous shunt, (iii) binding of mAb PAC1 (directed against the fibrinogen binding site on GPIIb-IIIa), and (iv) generation of procoagulant platelet-derived microparticles. In summary, (i) circulating degranulated platelets rapidly lose surface P-selectin to the plasma pool, but continue to circulate and function; and (ii) we have developed novel three-color whole blood flow cytometric methods for tracking of platelets and measurement of platelet function in vivo.P-selectin, a member of the selectin family which includes Eand L-selectin, is a cell-adhesion molecule of activated platelets and endothelial cells (1, 2). P-selectin (also known as CD62P, GMP-140, and PADGEM protein) is a component of the a granule membrane of resting platelets that is only expressed on the platelet surface membrane during and after platelet degranulation and secretion (1,2). A soluble form of P-selectin circulates in plasma (3).Platelet surface P-selectin mediates the adherence of degranulated platelets to leukocytes in vitro (4, 5) and in vivo (6). It has therefore been postulated that surface P-selectin-positive (degranulated) platelets may be rapidly cleared from the circulation by leukocytes (2,4,5,7,8). In apparent contradiction to this postulate, other investigators have reported that degranulated platelets are no more rapidly cleared from the circulation than control platelets (9, 10). Methods have not previously been available to directly address this issue.In this study, we used novel three-color whole blood flow cytometric methods for tracking of circulating degran...