“…If so, it stands to reason that we would design ads that make use of these features to target specific audiences. Communication scholars have made some inroads into this issue (Kang, Cappella, & Fishbein, 2009; Strasser, et al, 2009; Yzer, Vohs, Luciana, Cuthbert, & MacDonald, 2011); much of this research has been concerned with receivers’ emotional responses to ads, but even in this area, much remains to be done. Yzer and colleagues (2011), for example, have shown important relations between adolescents’ affective responses to anti-drug ads and their judgments of the ads effectiveness, and Dillard and colleagues have focused considerable attention on perceived ad effectiveness as an indicator of actual ad effectiveness, which could inform researchers and practitioners in the pre-implementation phase of persuasion campaigns (Dillard, Shen, & Vail, 2007; Dillard, Weber, & Vail, 2007).…”