The fear of being single can lead to changes in the quality of life of individuals, which may affect their well-being and self-esteem. This research aimed to validate the Fear of Being Single Scale (FBSS) for Brazil, presenting evidence of its psychometric quality through two studies. Study 1 had 172 participants (Age M = 23.69, SD = 7.77; 64.5% women) and replicated the one-factor structure of the instrument, with six items. Study 2 had 220 participants (Age M = 21.90, SD = 5.64; 59.5% women) and confi rmed the structure using a CFA, with satisfactory indices (CFI = .96; TLI = .94), and provided evidence for the factorial invariance of the instrument, in relation to participants' relationship status. Additionally, convergent validity was presented through signifi cant correlations with loneliness and life satisfaction scores, and a difference was also observed between men and women regarding the fear of being single. Finally, the scale showed adequate levels of reliability (Cronbach's alpha, α = 0.88) and composite reliability (CR = 0.82). In conclusion, the scale presented satisfactory evidence for its use in a Brazilian context.
Keywords:Fear of being single, scale, psychometric evidence.
Medo de Ficar Solteiro: Evidências Psicométricas e de Validade de uma MedidaResumo O medo de fi car solteiro pode ocasionar alterações na qualidade de vida dos indivíduos, podendo afetar o bem-estar e a autoestima. Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo validar a Escala Medo de Ficar Solteiro (EMFS) para o Brasil, apresentando evidências de sua qualidade psicométrica por meio de dois estudos. Estudo 1 contou com 172 participantes (Idade M = 23,69, DP = 7,77; 64,5% mulheres) e reproduziu a estrutura unifatorial do modelo original, com seis itens. O Estudo 2 contou com 220 participantes (Idade M = 21,90, DP = 5,64; 59,5% mulheres) e confi rmou a estrutura por meio de uma AFC, com