A calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH),I sorbent modified by the addition of calcium lignosulfonate has recently been developed for use in the Environmental Protection Agency's limestone injection multistage burner process. The increased reactivity with sulfur dioxide (SO,) displayed by this modified sorbent has been shown to be caused, in part, by its decreased particle (agglomerate) size compared to conventional Ca(OH),. Subsequent work has shown that surfactant-modified Ca(OH), also undergoes significantly different structural changes during furnace injection. For a given reactor temperature and residence time, the modified sorbent calcines to a greater extent than unmodified sorbent. It also loses surface area more slowly, and retains more of its porosity, suggesting that it sinters more slowly than conventional sorbent. Therefore, in addition to reducing the particle size of Ca(OH), in some applications, calcium lignosulfonate also appears to cause the water of hydration to be bound less tightly, and to inhibit one or more of the diffusion mechanisms responsible for the process of sintering.
IntroductionThe Environmental Protection Agency's LIMB (limestone injection multistage burner) process is designed to reduce SO2 emissions from coal-fired boilers through the injection of a dry, calcium-based sorbent into the furnace at about 1,230°C, while reductions in NO, are achieved by delaying the mixing of fuel and air through the multistage burner. A lengthy testing program has shown that, of the commercially available calciumbased sorbents, calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH),, produces the highest levels of SO2 capture (Overmoe et a]., 1985;Beittel et al., 1985;Bortz and Flament, 1985;Slaughter et al., 1985).Recent efforts to improve the capture of SO2 by commercial Ca(OH), involve the addition of calcium lignosulfonate to the water of hydration to produce Ca(OH)2 that has a smaller particle size, and a 15-20% higher reactivity with SO, relative to conventional Ca(OH), (Kirchgessner and Lorrain, 1987). The effect of smaller particle size on reactivity has been widely documented (McCarthy et al., 1986;Borgwardt and Bruce, 1986a; Cole et al., 1986) and is of the order -0.20 to -0.35 (Ishihara et al., 1975;Gullett and Blom, 1987;Gullett and Kramlich, 1987). The enhanced reactivity noted at laboratory scale by Kirchgessner and Lorrain is partially, but not fully, explained by particle size reduction in the modified hydrate.Surface area and pore structure of the calcined sorbent are also important determinants of reactivity. The relationship of surface area of the calcined sorbent to its ultimate level of sulfation has been widely documented Harrison et al., 1985;Cole et al., 1985;Beittel et al., 1985;Slaughter et al., 1985; Borgwardt and Bruce, 1986b). Borgwardt and Bruce (1 986b) have quantified the relationship in noting that the reactivity increases with the square of the BET surface area of the calcine over the range 2-63 m2/g. The importance of porosity in the CaO was noted by Hartman et al. (1978). Aside from the effect of part...