Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) is used in this study in order to trace the lineage of overbank sediment from the initial erosion of the parent rocks down to deposition of detrital material in alluvium of the small mountainous watersheds of the Ž umberak area, Croatia. It helps to elucidate relations between the hierarchically structured systems (rocks, minerals, elements) represented by the ensembles of lithological, mineralogical and geochemical variables. Taking their place in the vertical order of hierarchical complexity, geochemistry and mineralogy of the recent material are considered dependent variable regarding the related watershed lithology, with geochemical variables (major and trace elements) last in the chain. Three canonical models are built and cross-compared in order to unravel the between-level relationships and infer the basic patterns of mineral and geochemical flux from the source rocks to basin. From these, the two hierarchical (provenance) chains epitomized in recombination of the first two canonical functions have been derived highlighting complementary provenances, weathering styles, and dispersion avenues in alluvial sedimentation of the study area. The first clearly separates carbonate from siliciclastic sedimentary source while the second illuminates the origin of phyllosilicate and ferric oxyhydroxide phases with associated suite of elements in absence of clear carbonate signal.